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亚洲电影 华晨宇演唱会震碎肾结石? - 幼女白丝
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亚洲电影 华晨宇演唱会震碎肾结石?

发布日期:2024-10-03 16:23    点击次数:75





  1. Based on the passage, why might riding a roller coaster help in passing kidney stones?A) The high speeds of the ride break down the stones

  B) The G-forces and movements help dislodge the stones

  C) The loud noises distract the body from the pain

  D) The ride increases the body's temperature, dissolving the stones

  2. Why might researchers suggest that patients who have had lithotripsy consider a roller-coaster ride?

  A) To break down large kidney stones

  B) To prevent the formation of new kidney stones

  C) To help pass remaining stone fragments

  D) To test the effectiveness of lithotripsy


  Got kidney stones? Try riding a roller coaster to dislodge them

  From: Chicago Tribune, September 26, 2016

  Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who, in any given year, develop kidney stones: What if the excruciating pain of passing one of those little devils could be prevented by strapping yourself into a make-believe runaway mine train, throwing your hands in the air and enduring G-forces as high as 2.5 for about three minutes? Would you do it?

  Hell yeah, they'd do it.

  In a bit of medical research inspired by strange and remarkable patient accounts, a Michigan State University urologist reports that, yes, riding a medium-intensity roller coaster such as the Disney theme parks' Big Thunder Mountain Railroad can result in the painless passing of small, and even a few large, kidney stones.

  For best results, ride in the back, where — roller coaster aficionados all seem to agree — the thrills are greatest. Independent of kidney stone volume and location, findings reported Sunday in the the Journal of the American Osteopathic Assn. showed that sitting in the back of the roller coaster resulted in an average passage rate of 63.89%.

  Front-seat rides resulted in a far more modest passage rate of 16.67%.

  In what magical kingdom, you may well ask, does someone think to conduct such research?

porn ai换脸

  Dr. David D. Wartinger, a professor emeritus at Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine, initiated the study after a series of patients reported something almost too strange to believe: In the wake of riding Big Thunder at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., these patients said their kidney stones passed painlessly from the kidney through the narrow duct of the ureter and into the bladder.

  In one case, a patient told Wartinger that he passed one kidney stone after each of three consecutive rides on the roller coaster.

  Using a 3-D printed model of that patient's kidney, Wartinger and his colleagues implanted three kidney stones of various sizes into the upper, middle or lower passageways of the clear silicone model. Two of those mineral clusters, which can form as the kidney filters waste from the bloodstream, were small-to-moderate size — 4.5 millmeters and 13.5 mm. But a third measured 64.6 mm, a size that would rarely pass without treatment — the administration of ultrasound shock waves, called lithotripsy, designed to break up the deposit and allow it to pass.

  The researchers received permission from Walt Disney World first, then concealed the kidney model in a backpack and rode Big Thunder 20 times, varying their seat position between front and back.

  After analyzing the location of those three kidney stones at the end of each ride, the researchers concluded that “findings support the anecdotal evidence that a ride on a moderate-intensity roller coaster could benefit some patients with small kidney stones,” Wartinger said. When the kidney stone was large, the initial position of the kidney stone affected the likelihood of its passing during the ride. But even those passed two in three times while the silicone model rode the thrill ride.

  “Many people in the United States probably live within a few hours' drive of an amusement park containing a roller coaster with features capable of dislodging calyceal renal calculi,” wrote Wartinger and co-author Dr. Marc A. Mitchell of the Doctor's Clinic in Poulsbo, Wash.

  Roller coaster therapy might be a good preventive treatment for people who are high risk of developing obstructive kidney stones, wrote Wartinger and Mitchell. They suggested that patients who have had kidney stones in the past, or women who have had kidney stones and are thinking of becoming pregnant, consider a thrill ride or two in a bid to clear tiny stones before the deposits grow larger. Kidney stone sufferers who have had their deposits broken up by lithotripsy might also consider a roller-coaster ride to finish the job, they said.

  - ◆ -



  Got kidney stones? Try riding a roller coaster to dislodge them

  From: Chicago Tribune, September 26, 2016

  Just ask any one of the 300,000 Americans who, in any given year, developkidney stones: What if theexcruciatingpain of passing one of those littledevilscould be prevented bystrappingyourself into amake-believe runawaymine train, throwing your hands in the air and enduring G-forces as high as 2.5 for about three minutes? Would you do it?


  kidney stone

  kidney stone /ˈkɪd.ni ˌstəʊn/ 暗意“肾结石”,英文解说为“a solid mass of hard material that can form in the kidney and cause pain”

  kidney /ˈkɪd.ni/ 暗意“肾,肾脏”,英文解说为“either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine”如:kidney failure 肾脏穷乏。


  excruciating /ɪkˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.tɪŋ/ 1)暗意“剧烈难熬的;极祸害的”,英文解说为“extremely painful”如:an excruciating pain in the lower back 腰部的剧烈难熬。

  2)暗意“极其乏味的;极其令东谈主腻烦的;相当窘态的”,英文解说为“extremely boring or embarrassing”如:excruciating boredom 极其枯燥。


  devil /ˈdev.əl/ 暗意“妖怪,恶魔,妖魔”,英文解说为“an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns”


  strap /stræp/ 作名词,暗意“皮带;带子”,英文解说为“a narrow piece of leather or other strong material used for fastening something or giving support”举个🌰:Could you help me fasten this strap around my suitcase? 你能帮我用这条带子把手提箱系紧吗?

  2)作动词,暗意“用带子系(或捆、绑)”,英文解说为“to fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong material around it”举个🌰:Are the kids strapped into their car seats? 给孩子们系好坐椅安全带了吗?


  make-believe /ˈmeɪk.bɪˌliːv/ 暗意“虚假,假念念”,英文解说为“believing or imagining things that appear to be attractive or exciting, but are not real”举个🌰:He lives in a world of make-believe/make-believe world. 他活命在虚假的寰宇里。


  runaway /ˈrʌn.ə.weɪ/ 1)作态状词,暗意“迅猛发展而难以规模的”,英文解说为“You use runaway to describe a situation in which something increases or develops very quickly and cannot be controlled.”举个🌰:Our June sale was a runaway success. 咱们6月份的促销大获告捷。

  2)作态状词,暗意“(车辆或动物)失控的”,英文解说为“A runaway vehicle or animal is moving forward quickly, and its driver or rider has lost control of it.”举个🌰:The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple. 那辆失控的轿车疾速撞上了一条长凳,撞了一双老汉妇。

  3)作名词,暗意“离家出走者”,英文解说为“A runaway is someone, especially a child, who leaves home without telling anyone or without permission.”如:a teenage runaway 又名十明年的离家出走者。

  Hell yeah, they'd do it.


  In a bit of medical research inspired by strange and remarkable patient accounts, a Michigan State Universityurologistreports that, yes, riding a medium-intensity rollercoastersuch as the Disney theme parks' Big Thunder Mountain Railroad can result in the painless passing of small, and even a few large, kidney stones.

  受到一些奇特且不同寻常的患者病例启发,密歇根州立大学的一位泌尿科大夫答复说,确乎,乘坐如迪士尼乐土的“巨雷山铁路”(Big Thunder Mountain Railroad)这样中等强度的过山车,或者无痛排出小的、甚而一些较大的肾结石。


  urologist /jʊəˈrɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ 暗意“泌尿科大夫”,英文解说为“a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the parts of the body that produce and carry urine”


  intensity /ɪnˈten.sə.ti/ 1)暗意“浓烈;剧烈”,英文解说为“the quality of being felt strongly or having a very strong effect”举个🌰:The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away. 爆炸的巨响5英里除外皆能听见。

  2)暗意“(心扉或倡导的)浓烈;厚爱;全情参加”,英文解说为“the quality of being very serious and having strong emotions or opinions”举个🌰:The intensity of their relationship was causing problems. 他们关联中所牵缠的心扉浓烈得激勉了问题。

  roller coaster

  1)暗意“过山车,云表飞车”,英文解说为“A roller coaster is a small railway at an amusement park that goes up and down steep slopes fast that people ride on for pleasure or excitement.”

  2)暗意“(面目的)急转突变,幻化莫测;(神思的)大起大落”,英文解说为“a situation which changes from one extreme to another, or in which a person's feelings change from one extreme to another”举个🌰:He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job. 他失去责任后,有段时辰神思老是大起大落。

  For best results, ride in the back, where — roller coasteraficionadosall seem to agree — thethrillsare greatest. Independent of kidney stonevolumeand location, findings reported Sunday in the the Journal of the American Osteopathic Assn. showed that sitting in the back of the roller coaster resulted in an average passage rate of 63.89%.

  为了达到最好终结,漠视坐在后排,因为过山车爱好者似乎皆觉得后排最刺激。周日,发表在《好意思国骨科协会杂志》(Journal of the American Osteopathic Assn.)的一项盘问终结标明,无论肾结石的大小和位置若何,坐在过山车后排的肾结石排出率为63.89%。


  aficionado /əˌfɪʃ.i.əˈnɑː.dəʊ/ 暗意“青睐…者;…迷”,英文解说为“someone who is very interested in and enthusiastic about a particular subject”如:a club for model railway aficionados 铁路模子爱好者俱乐部。


  thrill /θrɪl/ 作动词,暗意“(使)感奋;(使)清脆;(使)病笃”,英文解说为“to make someone feel very excited and pleased”举个🌰:The 22-year-old swimmer thrilled the world with his performance. 这位22岁的游水选手以他的进展让全寰宇清脆。

  作名词,暗意“感奋;清脆;病笃感”,英文解说为“a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant”如:the thrill of winning a competition 赢得比赛的清脆。


  volume /ˈvɒl.juːm/ 作名词,1)暗意“总和;总量;总额”,英文解说为“the number or amount of something in general”举个🌰:It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems. 酿成这些问题的即是城里的交通流量。

  2)暗意“容积;体积;容量”,英文解说为“the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape”举个🌰:Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume? 你觉得这些瓶子中哪个容积最大?

  3)暗意“卷;册”,英文解说为“one in a set of related books”也不错暗意“书”,英文解说为“a book”如:如:a volume of poetry 一册诗集,举个🌰:She took a slim volume down from the shelf. 她从书架上取下一册很薄的书。

  4)暗意“音量;音量调解钮”,英文解说为“the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch or other device controlling this”举个🌰:Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep. 你能把音量调低些吗?我要就寝。

  Front-seat rides resulted in a far more modest passage rate of 16.67%.


  In what magical kingdom, you may well ask, does someone think to conduct such research?


  Dr. David D. Wartinger, a professoremeritusat Michigan State University's College ofOsteopathicMedicine,initiatedthe study after a series of patients reported something almost too strange to believe:In the wake ofriding Big Thunder at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., these patients said their kidney stones passed painlessly from the kidney through the narrowductof the ureter and into the bladder.

  在一连串患者反应了一些着实难以置信的怪过后,密歇根州立大学骨科医学院名誉熟识大卫·沃丁格博士(Dr. David D. Wartinger)发起了这项盘问。这些患者称,在佛罗里达州奥兰多的迪士尼乐土乘坐“巨雷山铁路”过山车后,他们的肾结石无痛地从肾脏通过输尿管短促的管谈进入了膀胱。


  emeritus /ɪˈmer.ɪ.təs/暗意“(常指大学教师)退休后保留头衔的,荣誉退休的”,英文解说为“(often Emeritus) used with a title to show that a person, usually a university teacher, keeps the title as an honour, although he or she has stopped working”,如:the Emeritus Professor of Biology 荣誉退休的生物学熟识。


  osteopathic /ˌɒs.ti.əˈpæθ.ɪk/ 暗意“按骨的,整骨的,骨疗的”,英文解说为“relating to osteopathy (= the treatment of injuries to bones and muscles using pressure and movement)”如:osteopathic medicine 整骨颐养


  initiate /ɪˈnɪʃ.i.eɪt/ 暗意“出手,首创”,英文解说为“to cause something to begin”举个🌰:Who initiated the violence? 谁先使用暴力的?

  in the wake of sth

  in the wake of暗意“行动…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解说为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's attacks. 昨天的迫切发生之后,机场安检变得特地严格。

  🎬电影《科洛弗谈10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)中的台词提到:In the wake of this afternoon's widespread blackout 在今寰宇午的大面积停电之后,...

  🎬电影《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)中的台词提到:lt was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. 即是在大船驶过后被搅上来 会发出磷光的那种东西。

  🎬列传电影《史蒂夫·乔布斯》(Steve Jobs)中的台词提到:Apple Computers closed two of its factories today in the wake of disappointing sales. 因为销量欠安 苹果电脑今天关闭了两家工场。


  duct /dʌkt/ 暗意“管谈,管线;(东谈主体的)管,导管”,英文解说为“a tube or pipe that carries liquid or air, especially in and out of buildings or through the body”举个🌰:Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents. 大大量办公楼皆有好多透风管谈和透风口。

  In one case, a patient told Wartinger that he passed one kidney stone after each of threeconsecutiverides on the roller coaster.



  consecutive /kənˈsek.jə.tɪv/ 暗意“贯串的,连贯的,不远隔的”,英文解说为“Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption.”举个🌰:This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working. 这是我贯串第五个周末加班。

  📍《经济学东谈主》(The Economist)一篇请问绿色风投的著述中提到:Last year taxpayer-funded green-energy R&D around the world rose for the third consecutive year, to a record $25.4bn, accroding to the IEA. 根据外洋动力署的数据,客岁巨匠受政府资助的绿色动力研发贯串第三年增长,达到创记载的254亿好意思元。

  Using a 3-D printed model of that patient's kidney, Wartinger and his colleaguesimplantedthree kidney stones of various sizes into the upper, middle or lower passageways of the clearsiliconemodel. Two of thosemineral clusters, which can form as the kidney filters waste from the bloodstream, were small-to-moderate size — 4.5 millmeters and 13.5 mm. But a third measured 64.6 mm, a size that would rarely pass without treatment — theadministrationof ultrasound shock waves, called lithotripsy, designed to break up thedepositand allow it to pass.



  implant /ˈɪm.plɑːnt/ 不错作名词,也不错作动词,暗意“(手术中)植入,移植;(植入东谈主体中的)移植物,植入物”,英文解说为“an organ, group of cells, or device that has been put into the body in a medical operation”


  silicone /ˈsɪl.ɪ.kəʊn/ 暗意“硅酮;硅树脂”,英文解说为“any of a number of compounds of silicon that are used in making artificial rubber, paint, polish, varnish, etc.”

  📍clear silicone 透明硅胶


  mineral /ˈmɪn.ər.əl/ 暗意“矿物的;含矿物的,有矿物资的”,英文解说为“being or consisting of a mineral or minerals”如:a mineral deposit (= substance or layer that is left) 矿层。


  cluster /ˈklʌs.tər/ 作动词,暗意“群集,丛生;鸠集”,英文解说为“be ore come into a cluster or close group; congregate”举个🌰:The children clustered together in the corner of the room. 孩子们鸠集在房间的旯旮里。

  作名词,1)暗意“(东谈主或动物的)群,团,组”,英文解说为“a group of people, animals or things close together”如:a cluster of spectators 一群旁不雅者;

  2)暗意“(同类物丛生或鸠集的)簇,团,束,串”,英文解说为“a group of things of the same type that grow or appear close together”


  administration /ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃən/ 熟词僻义, 暗意“(药品)提供;施用”,英文解说为“the act of giving someone something”举个🌰:There are strict controls on the administration of drugs. 药品的施用受严格规模。


  deposit /dɪˈpɒz.ɪt/ 作名词,1)暗意“千里淀物,千里积物”,英文解说为“a substance or layer that is left, usually after a liquid is removed”举个🌰:Decant the wine carefully, so that you leave the deposit in the bottom of the bottle. 将酒贯注倒出,以免把瓶底的千里淀物带出来。

  2)暗意“预支款,定金”,英文解说为“an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something”或者暗意“押金”,英文解说为“an amount of money that you pay when you rent something, and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented”

  作动词,1)暗意“(在银行或保障柜中)存放,存储(尤指钱款)”,英文解说为“to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks)”举个🌰:There's a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish. 银行外面有夜间保障箱,你不错随时把钱存进去。

  2)暗意“留住;存放”,英文解说为“to leave something somewhere”举个🌰:The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area. 急流退去后留住的淤泥遮掩了通盘这个词区域。

  The researchers received permission from Walt Disney World first, thenconcealedthe kidney model in a backpack and rode Big Thunder 20 times, varying their seat position between front and back.



  conceal /kənˈsiːl/ 暗意“荫藏;隐退;掩蔽;潜藏”,英文解说为“to prevent something from being seen or known about”举个🌰:The listening device was concealed in a pen. 窃听安装藏在了笔里。

  🎬电影《V字仇杀队》(V for Vendetta)中的台词提到:Conceal me what I am and be my aid... for such disguise as haply shall become the form of my intent. 你得匡助我假扮起来... 好让我达到我的诡计。

  After analyzing the location of those three kidney stones at the end of each ride, the researchers concluded that “findings support theanecdotalevidence that a ride on a moderate-intensity roller coaster could benefit some patients with small kidney stones,” Wartinger said. When the kidney stone was large, the initial position of the kidney stone affected the likelihood of its passing during the ride. But even those passed two in three times while the silicone model rode the thrill ride.



  anecdotal /ˌænɪkˈdəʊt(ə)l/ 暗意“遗闻的;趣闻的;听说的”,英文解说为“based on anecdotes and possibly not true or accurate”,如:anecdotal evidence 听说的笔据。

  “Many people in the United States probably live within a few hours' drive of an amusement park containing a roller coaster with features capable ofdislodgingcalyceal renal calculi,” wrote Wartinger and co-author Dr. Marc A. Mitchell of the Doctor's Clinic in Poulsbo, Wash.

  沃丁格和共同作家华盛顿州华盛顿州波尔斯波大夫诊所的马克·米切尔博士(Dr. Marc A. Mitchell)写谈:“在好意思国,许多东谈主可能住在距离游乐土几小时车程的场所,而游乐土里的过山车具有或者排出肾盏结石的功能。”


  dislodge /dɪˈslɒdʒ/ 暗意“(尤指在外力作用下)使移位;(把某物)强行去除,取出,移动;使免职”,英文解说为“to remove something or someone, especially by force, from a fixed position”举个🌰:The earthquake dislodged stones from the walls and the roof. 地震震落了墙壁和屋顶上的石头。

  Roller coaster therapy might be a good preventive treatment for people who are high risk of developingobstructivekidney stones, wrote Wartinger and Mitchell. They suggested that patients who have had kidney stones in the past, or women who have had kidney stones and are thinking of becoming pregnant, consider a thrill ride or two in a bid to clear tiny stones before the deposits grow larger. Kidney stone sufferers who have had their deposits broken up by lithotripsy might also consider a roller-coaster ride to finish the job, they said.



  obstructive /əbˈstrʌk.tɪv/ 1)暗意“特等妨碍的,筹画防止的;刁难的”,英文解说为“trying to stop someone from doing something by causing problems for them”举个🌰:We'd have made a decision by now if he hadn't been so obstructive. 要不是他从中作梗咱们当今早就作出决定了。

  2)暗意“梗阻的;禁闭的;栓塞的”,英文解说为“connected with a passage, tube, etc. in your body that has become blocked”

  - 词汇盘货 -

  kidney stone、 excruciating、 devil、 strap、 make-believe、 runaway、 urologist、 intensity、 roller coaster、 aficionado、 thrill、 volume、 emeritus、 osteopathic、 initiate、 in the wake of sth、 duct、 consecutive、 implant、 silicone、 mineral、 cluster、 administration、 deposit、 conceal、 anecdotal、 dislodge、 obstructive

  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  An osteopathic urologist, emeritus and thrill aficionado, faced consecutive kidney stone cases亚洲电影, each obstructive and formed from devilish mineral clusters. Initiating treatment, he dislodged excruciating deposits with an implant—a silicone strap designed to ease duct intensity post-discovery. Anecdotal evidence concealed roller coaster intensity.

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